An encounter with a stranger
A few weeks ago, I was driving home with our 4 year old son when we passed a man in full traditional highland dress walking through the village. Of course, we were both intrigued as to who he was and where he was going. So, we pulled up on the drive and waited for him to walk by to say hello. After a brief chat, we learned that his name was Adam Fergus (Featured on the BBC) and he refers to himself as a ‘tramper (a person who walks long distances, often over rough terrain, for recreation) At the time of meeting him, he had already walked from Scotland, around Ireland and was making his way through England in a bid to walk to every city in the UK! It was getting late and he was looking for a shop to buy some food. As it was a Sunday and we live out in the sticks, we advised him that he was unlikely to find anywhere open. So, we nipped inside and made him a sandwich and a ‘packup. He was very grateful and in exchange, I asked him if he minded me taking a couple of portraits of him.
Adam Fergus heading off to continue his walk
Adam Fergus reading a copy of “A street cat names Bob”
Adam Fergus in traditional Highland dress